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Entering this or that into the search form will return results containing either "this" or "that".

Assuming tivoli is required, the following 10 results were found.

  1. Pictures of Tivoli, photo gallery of Tivoli, Italy•

    Photo gallery: pictures of Tivoli {gallery}gridfolio/tivoli:316:177::2{/gallery}

  2. Interactive map of Tivoli -•

    Interactive map of Tivoli: Top attractions

  3. Travel guide of Tivoli Italy - History, facts, top attractions & things to do•

    History, facts and travel tips about Tivoli Coming soon...

  4. Tivoli•

  5. Fountain of Ovato - Villa d'Este -Tivoli, Italy•

    Fountain of Ovato Pirro Ligorio designed the Fontana dell'Ovato, also known as theFontana di Tivoli. It takes its name from its unique shape, resulting from a circular exedra in which a basin, which receives water from above, is designed to be an...

  6. Canopus - Hadrian's Villa - Tivoli, Italy•

    South of the baths there is a valley with a long pond surrounded by a splendid colonnade. At the bottom end stands a nymphaeum that is recognizably a temple of Serapis (Serapeum). It consists of a semicircular exedra with a ribbed cupola, extended by a...

  7. Maritime Theater - Hadrian's Villa - Tivoli, Italy•

    Maritime Theater Hadrian's Villa One of the most impressive is the so-called Maritime Theatre. This is a round pool with an island in the middle, surrounded by columns. The island, reached by means of a swing bridge, was probably Hadrian's private...

  8. Villa Doria Pamphilj, Rome - Italy•

    the villas of Palladio while the furnishing and gardens recalled ancient noble residences, in particular Hadrian’s Villa at Tivoli, where Algardi used to go to study and draw. The building has a façade on two levels on the main side and, to overcome the...

  9. Villa d'Este -Tivoli, Italy•

    In 1550 Cardinal Ippolito d'Este was appointed Governor of Tivoli. He wasted no time in taking possession of the Governor's palace, located in a former Benedictine monastery which he asked Pirro Ligorio to remodel to his taste. The Villa d'Este's fame,...

  10. Hundred Fountains - Villa d'Este -Tivoli, Italy•

    The hundred pipes that supply the water features can be interpreted as an allegory of the Anieneriver, which flows from Tivoli to Rome and flows into the Tiber.

Results 1 - 10 of 10

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