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Assuming ostia is required, the following 11 results were found.
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/pictures-of-ancient-ostia
Photo gallery: pictures of Ancient Ostia {gallery}gridfolio/ostia:316:177::2{/gallery}
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia
In Republican times Ostia was Rome's main commercial port and a military base defending the coastline and the mouth of the Tiber. The port continued to flourish under the Empire, despite the development, of Portus, a new port slightly to the northwest,...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/interactive-map-of-ancient-ostia
Interactive map of Ostia: Top attractions
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/forum-baths
Not far from the Forum, we can see the most important thermal complex of Ostia. The Forum's thermal baths were built starting from 150 A.D., under Antonino Pio, and transformed several times until the fifth century. The system was designed according to...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/rome/the-vatican/vatican-museums/raphael-rooms/room-of-the-fire-in-the-borgo
Flood; indeed there is a similar figure, naked and muscular, who carries a woman to safety on his shoulders. The Battle of Ostia Finally, The Battle of Ostia tells the story of the landing of the Saracens at the mouth of the Tiber River at Ostia in the...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/roman-theatre
Roman Theatre Along the decumanus maximus, one of the main streets of the city's development, you will come across the outer curve of the cavea of the Theatre, built under Augustus (end of the first century BC) and then rebuilt using bricks in 196 -...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/caupona-di-alexander
Caupona di Alexander A splendid fountain dating back to the time of Hadrian, can also be found on the Decumanus. The portico above the pool continued to the so-called Caupona (tavern) by Alexander Helix, whose name originates from an inscription on the...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/ancient-ostia/capitolium-temple
Capitolium temple At the meeting point between the two main streets of the city, the cardus maximus and the decumanus maximus widens the Forum, the main square that housed the most important religious and civil buildings. The current shape of the...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/pompeii/latrine
the walls were painted or decorated by niches housing statues, but also altars, as the one dedicated to Goddess Fortuna in Ostia. The Goddess to invoke in those circumstances was Carnea, who favored bodily functions and purification, along with Hygieia,...
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