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Assuming campania is required, the following 10 results were found.
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania
History, facts and travel tips about Campania Campania is an area of incredible riches in natural beauty as well as art and culture. Though it may not always be easy to unearth Campania's wealth of natural beauty, cultural treasures and fascinating...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/isle-of-capri
History, facts and travel tips about Capri The Island of Capri is one of the most picturesque and visited locations in Campania. Its unique beauties were celebrated in ancient times and later published for the world in Homer's works: Odysseus (known in...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/naples
History, facts and travel tips about Naples Naples is the capital city of the Campania region and the Province of Naples. Its metropolitan area is the second most populated in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. It is located halfway between the...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/pompeii
dwellings from the Hellenistic period. In 91 BC, during the Social War (91-88 BC), Pompeii allied with several cities of Campania against Rome with the aim to achieve full Roman citizenship. Unfortunately any attempt to defy Sulla was a wild-goose-chase...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/pompeii/large-theatre
Playworks performed in the theatre probably included Atellan Farce (vulgar farces delivered in Oscan, a language spoken in Campania and Abruzzo regions), the comedies of Plautus and of Terentius or mimes and pantomimes with dance and music. Sometimes,...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/isle-of-ischia
tolerant and eclectic view of government Roger II had begun. The Angevins who had left their mark, with papal support, on Campania and Sicily, were followed for a time by Alfonso V of Aragon, who in 1441, reconstructed the ancient Greek fort on a grand...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/about-us/guestbook
dire?avevi ragione!è bellissimo!!! ho già scaricato le guide di:napoli,ischia,capri e sorrento! l'avrai capito:adoro la Campania..è una terra splendida! ti abbraccio a presto! Silvietta Author: silvia from Italy 13 November 2007: Stupendo!!! Complimenti...
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/pompeii/house-of-pansa
alley is testament to the fact that in the last period of Pompeii the rich and powerful owner, a businessman from the Campania region, was renting out a part of the house.
• https://www.italyguides.it/en/lazio/rome/districts-of-rome/aventine
from Rome's earliest times, as the meeting point of the Tiber with the road running north-south to connect Etruria with Campania. In the area between the three temples of the nearby Forum Holitorium and the temple of Portunus, the deity protecting the...
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