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Ancient Rome

A journey through ancient Rome's landmarks

The Flavius amphitheatre is the biggest and most imposing in the Roman world, but is also the most famous monument in Rome and is known as the "Colosseum" or "Coliseum". Started by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavia family, it was opened by his son Titus in 80 A.D.

The Roman Pantheon is the monument with the greatest number of records: the best preserved, with the biggest brick dome in the history of architecture and is considered the forerunner of all modern places of worship. It is the most copied and imitated of all ancient works.

The Roman Forum was the pulsing heart of Rome, the city’s main piazza where citizens of every social level met to exchange opinions, do business, buy in the markets and renew their strength over a tasty dish and a cup of good wine.

Powerful guardian of the most sacred place in the city, for almost 2,000 years, Castel Sant´Angelo has towered over the Tiber, first as a symbol of Rome’s imperial power, later as papal fortress.

Not far from the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum, at the foot of the Aventine Hill, the Baths of Caracalla are one of the largest and most fascinating monumental buildings of ancient Rome.

The Ara Pacis altar was built on the exact spot in Campus Martius where victories were traditionally celebrated. Its only purpose was to aggrandize Augustus's campaigns and to glorify the Pax Romana.

From the very beginnings of the city, the Capitoline, one of Rome’s seven hills, was the seat of divinity and of power and, notwithstanding its being the lowest and smallest of the hills, it grew in importance to become not only one of Rome’s most important piazzas but one of the most famous places in the whole world.

Circus Maximus is the biggest sports stadium ever built. Just think it could hold almost three hundred and eighty thousand visitors with free access to races. Almost four times bigger than the biggest stadium today, an incredible number.

In the portico of the Paleochristian church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, at the foot of the Aventine hills, lies a renowned Roman statue that intrigues tourists worldwide. It is the "Bocca della Verità," an ancient stone mask from the Classical period depicting a river god with an open mouth, wide eyes, and flowing hair.

Campo Marzio, situated in the heart of Rome, beckons foreign tourists with its rich tapestry of history, cultural treasures, and awe-inspiring architectural wonders waiting to be explored.

The immense complex of roads built by the Romans represents an extraordinary engineering feat. With a total length of 100,000 kilometers, they are undoubtedly the longest surviving monument and Rome's greatest contribution to the development of civilization.

The Roman Empire: Greatness and Decline

In the distant year 753 B.C., in a corner of Italy, a story began that would write one of the most important chapters in the history of humanity: the Roman Empire. From a small city called Rome, this civilization expanded and thrived, becoming one of the most influential and powerful empires ever known.

As we journey through this timeline, we will explore the key moments that shaped the Roman Empire. We will meet legendary figures like Julius Caesar and Augustus, who led Rome beyond the borders of Italy and brought greatness to new heights. Through their eyes, we will witness the construction of iconic monuments like the Colosseum and the Pantheon, which still capture our imagination today.

However, we will not overlook the challenges that threatened the Roman Empire, such as the crisis of the third century and the rise of Christianity. We will see how the Empire split in two, with the West eventually collapsing in 476 A.D., while the East survived as the Byzantine Empire until 1453 A.D.

This is a story of greatness and decline, of epic conquests and cultural transformations. It's a story that has shaped our world deeply and enduringly.

753 B.C. - The Foundation of Rome

Ancient Rome traces its roots to the traditional date of April 21, 753 B.C. Legend has it that the city was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus, raised by a she-wolf, on the banks of the Tiber River. This mythical beginning marked the start of a millennia-long history that influenced the Western world.

753 B.C. - The Monarchic Period

The monarchic period of Rome, spanning from 753 B.C. to 509 B.C., was characterized by seven successive kings who ruled the city before the advent of the republic. This period marked the development of Roman institutions and the early struggles for power.

During the regal period, the foundation was laid for one of the most significant places in Roman history, the Roman Forum. This site would later become the political, commercial, and religious center of ancient Rome.

509 B.C. - The Foundation of the Roman Republic

509 B.C. marks the end of monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic. This radical political change led to a new form of government based on citizen participation and the selection of the Capitol as the seat of the Roman government and Senate, becoming the political and religious heart of the city. Over the centuries, the Capitol witnessed significant historical events and underwent various architectural transformations.

264 B.C. - 146 B.C. - The Punic Wars

The Punic Wars were epic conflicts between Rome and Carthage that spanned three decades. The most famous is the Second Punic War, led by the Roman general Scipio Africanus. These wars had a lasting impact on the history of Rome.

58 B.C. - 50 B.C. - Julius Caesar's Conquest of Gaul

Julius Caesar, one of the greatest military commanders in Roman history, led the famous conquest of Gaul. This event greatly enhanced Caesar's prestige and fueled political tensions in Rome.

46 B.C. - Beginning of the Construction of the Circus Maximus

While the earliest masonry structures, primarily related to racecourse facilities, may have been built in the 2nd century B.C., the construction process of the Circus Maximus as a whole began in 46 B.C. This important venue for entertainment and sports in Rome was shaped and defined by Gaius Julius Caesar, who initiated the construction of the first masonry seating. Over time, the Circus Maximus would become one of the most iconic venues in Roman life, hosting epic events and popular spectacles.

27 B.C. - Assumption of the Title "Emperor" by Augustus

Emperor Augustus, formerly known as Octavian, ended the Roman civil wars and established the principate, ushering in the era of emperors.

13-9 B.C. - The Ara Pacis Augustae

The Ara Pacis Augustae, also known as the Altar of Augustan Peace, is an ancient altar located in Rome and built between 13 and 9 B.C. by the emperor Augustus. This monument represents an important symbol of peace and prosperity during the Roman Empire. The Ara Pacis is characterized by refined architecture and splendid sculpted reliefs that celebrate the era of stability and prosperity under the rule of Augustus. The intricate reliefs depict scenes of ceremonial processions and allegories symbolizing abundance and prosperity brought about by peace.

Year of Our Lord - The Birth of Christ

The traditional date of the birth of Jesus Christ is generally placed between 4 B.C. and 6 B.C., although some sources conventionally date it to 1 B.C. In any case, the birth of Jesus Christ is a central event in world history and in the Christian religion, with profound cultural and religious implications within the Roman Empire.

64 - The Great Fire of Rome under Emperor Nero

Emperor Nero is known for his controversial reign, but he is particularly famous for being associated with the fire that devastated Rome in 64 A.D., although there is still no conclusive evidence of his guilt. This event led to a series of changes in the city and marked the beginning of Christian persecutions.

64 - The Onset of Christian Persecutions

After the fire in Rome, Christians were unjustly blamed and persecuted. This marked the beginning of persecutions against the nascent Christian community in the Roman Empire.

70-80 - Construction of the Colosseum

One of Rome's most iconic monuments, the Colosseum, was built between 70 and 80 A.D. during the reign of Vespasian and his son Titus. This amphitheater hosted epic spectacles, including gladiator fights and beast hunts.

118-128 - The Pantheon of Rome

One of Rome's most iconic monuments is the Pantheon. This extraordinary building was constructed during the reign of Emperor Hadrian between 118 and 128 A.D. It is famous for its hemispherical dome, a timeless architectural masterpiece.

211-217 - Baths of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla are an imposing thermal complex built in Rome during the reign of Emperor Caracalla. This thermal complex was known for its extraordinary size and grand architecture. The Baths of Caracalla served not only as a bathing place but also as a social and recreational center.

235-284 - Crisis of the Third Century

This tumultuous period in the Roman Empire was marked by civil wars, divisions, and barbarian invasions, significantly affecting the empire's stability.

303 - Edict of Diocletian: Persecution of Christians

In 303 A.D., the Edict of Diocletian, known as the "Edict of Diocletian," represented one of the peaks of the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Diocletian was the Roman emperor at the time, and with this edict, he sought to suppress Christianity through repressive measures. Christian worship was prohibited, churches were demolished, and Christians were persecuted and forced to make pagan sacrifices under the threat of severe punishment. This period of persecution lasted until Emperor Constantine the Great issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., which granted religious freedom to Christians and marked a significant change in the Roman Empire's attitude toward Christianity.

313 - Edict of Milan: Religious Tolerance

Constantine and Licinius promulgated the Edict of Milan, ensuring religious tolerance in the Roman Empire, a significant step toward freedom of worship for Christians.

325 - First Council of Nicaea

In 325 A.D., the "First Council of Nicaea," also known as the "First Council of Nicaea," took place. This historical event is of great importance to Christianity. The council was convened by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and held in the city of Nicaea, in present-day Turkey. The primary goal of the council was to resolve doctrinal controversies within the early Church, particularly the nature of Jesus Christ.

During the First Council of Nicaea, bishops and ecclesiastical leaders from various Christian communities gathered to discuss and define the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith. The most significant issue was the debate over the divinity of Jesus Christ. The council produced the Nicene Creed, known as the "Nicene Creed," which affirmed Jesus' divinity as "consubstantial with the Father" and defined the relationships among the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity.

The First Council of Nicaea had a profound impact on Christian theology and established a common doctrinal foundation for the Church. Additionally, it made several ecclesiastical and canonical decisions, such as determining the date of Easter and rules for church organization. This council represents a crucial moment in the history of Christianity, as it helped define orthodox Christian faith and significantly influenced the subsequent course of the Church and Christian theology.

375 - Beginning of Barbarian Invasions

The onset of barbarian invasions in the Roman Empire led to a series of conflicts and shocks that further contributed to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

395 - Division of the Roman Empire into East and West

With the division of the Roman Empire into East and West, a political and economic differentiation began that would have lasting consequences for European history.

410 - Sack of Rome by the Visigoths

In 410 A.D., the "Sack of Rome by the Visigoths" occurred, a significant historical event in the ancient history of Rome. The Visigoths, a Germanic people led by their king Alaric, besieged and plundered the city of Rome.

This event dealt a severe blow to Roman pride, as < strong>Rome had been regarded as the eternal city and the capital of the Roman Empire for centuries. The sack of Rome by the Visigoths marked one of the few instances in ancient history when the city was occupied by foreign forces.

The reasons for the sack were complex and included political, economic, and territorial disputes between the Visigoths and the Roman Empire. The sack resulted in severe material losses, the destruction of many buildings and artworks, and the humiliation of the Roman Empire. This event is often considered one of the signs of the decline of the Western Roman Empire, which ultimately fell in 476 A.D. with the fall of Rome to the Ostrogoths.

476 - Fall of the Western Roman Empire

The fall of the Western Roman Empire marked the end of ancient Rome and the collapse of central governance in Rome, while the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) continued to exist.

493 - 526 - Reign of Theodoric the Great in Italy

Theodoric the Great ruled Italy after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, establishing his Ostrogothic kingdom.

527 - 565 - Reign of Justinian in the Byzantine Empire

Justinian I, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, is known for his attempt to reconquer the Western Roman Empire and for his legal reforms, including the compilation of the Corpus Juris Civilis.

541-542 - Epidemic of Plague in the Roman Empire

An epidemic of plague struck the Roman Empire between 541 and 542 A.D., causing significant devastation.

1096-1099 - First Crusade

The First Crusade was one of the earliest Christian crusades to reclaim the Holy Land from the Seljuk Empire.

1204 - Sack of Constantinople (Fourth Crusade)

The Fourth Crusade led to the sack of Constantinople by the crusaders, an event that had serious consequences for the Byzantine Empire.

1453 - Fall of the Byzantine Empire

The fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Ottoman Empire marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the closing of an era.

1400 or 15th Century - Renaissance and the Beginning of the Modern Age in Europe

The Renaissance and the beginning of the Modern Age in Europe ushered in a new era of cultural renewal, scientific discoveries, and social change.

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